How could a mom be any more proud…

As a mom, we always dred the day that our children grow into their own person…or do we long for it?

I want my daughter to be her own person, not to listen to what others have to say but to rely on what God thinks and says. I want her to have her own faith and relationship with Jesus. I believe that she is doing just that…being a fully devoted follower of Christ. On February 19, 2011, my husband John, baptized Callie Anne. She is 14 years old and she is walking in His light.

Because this past weekend at Lifechurch, OKC, her and 5 other Switch kids lead worship for the Loop. The Loop is a worship place for 4-5th graders, a step below Switch at Lifechurch. They led those kids in worship and to a place where God is. It was amazing to witness! They led me into a place where God was, and I was just there to watch Callie sing. Our Youth Pastors, Sean and Tim are teaching these kids how to love the Lord with all of their heart and use their gifts to bring praise to His name. But it is also important for these kids to get Godly training and instruction at home. So God instructs us to lead by example. I just pray that I can do my best to serve Him and be the example to Callie that I should be so that she will continue to grow in the Lord.

 I am so proud of the young woman that she is becoming…and I pray for her relationship with God everyday.

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